Solid Mouthwash

Childish expression takes on anything
Building with admirable fashion
Plad skirts and sunburned passion
Cases are held and withhold many tunes
Act like you want to and stare at many moons
Stop when you need to and watch people talk
Refrain from that moment, don’t joke on there walk.
Jerseys and skates and cars that go boom
Look at the ceiling, spend time in your room
So much is there that your eyes don’t see
RELAX….. take a breath, and set your soul free
You have to sometimes, no matter where you are
Sitting by your lonesome or wasted at the bar
People often surprise me as i look into there eyes
I see them as awesome and real, damn nothing but lies..
Rediculous fucking dispise…
Stupid, selfish people traveling around like flies
I’m glad it’s not a party, keep your dumb ass prize
People need to sit and wear there favorite shoes
Act dumb, laugh at yourself and sometimes trip your fuse
Listen to folks who make you nervous and force you to sometimes Shout
Lift them up, have a flower…. this is sure to help them out
Always look past what others want you to feel
Only you as your person understands what’s truly real
Question what you read and always brush your teeth
Because to whomever you are talking it will be a big relief
Mouthwash is key
Cheek to cheek….

Monty Montgomery copyright 2003