I popped out 2 skate decks to be exhibited with a massive group of artists through “We Love Creativity” at the Hard Rock Hotel’s “FLOAT” in San Diego on the night of August 5th, 2011 from 7-10pm. The decks then hit Las Vegas at the “MAGIC” Show on August 22-24 as well!! I am pumped to be in this group of amazing artists and friends, this exhibit is going to be super fresh and all the decks will be on sale for $250.00. Make sure to sign up on the guest list for the Hard Rock Event!!! Participating artists are: Brooks Sterling, Mike Maxwell, Exist 1981, Tocayo, Kelli Murray, Eric Wixon, Wendy Teague, Monstrinho, JFeather, Monty Montgomery, Sam Larson, Nicholas McPherson, Matty Davis, Carly Ealey, Terri Mitchell, Guice Mann, Honkey Kong, Skye Walker, Alex Lopez, Martha Martin, Hydro74, Nick Denambride, James Tull, SkEm oNe, Bryan Snyder, Robert Gould, Sour, Sam Phillips, Brent Sandor, Sarah Spinks, Laura Klotsche, Grandlarsen, Dave Weidetz, Scott Seiver, Scot Leverett, Dawley, Nitos, Michael Hsiung, Krystie Sargent, Hovin Wang, Teddy Kelly, Steve Peek, Serena Fritchle, Catrina Dulay, Stephen Forrester, Haley Robinson, Jenny Promack, Coby Brooks, Cameron Canales…