“DIEGO” | Front center view | Montana Gold aerosol on fiberglass sculpture with UV varnish | 48″ tall | Original permanently featured in the Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego, California.
I am excited to announce that I’ve been commissioned | selected as one of the 15 Artists to create upon a four foot fiberglass rabbit through the “Rabbitville Project” in San Diego, California and the piece is now complete! “Diego” has a fresh new clear coat and was released to the public at the press conference in the Gaslamp Quarter on Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 10am. “Diego” is now making his way around the Gaslamp Quarter where he will hang with the crowd in various spots before choosing his permanent location to call home. The permanent location will be announced in the coming weeks and you can view various angles of “DIEGO” through “Portfolio” / “Original works” / “2017” on http://montymontgomeryart.com
The Gaslamp Quarter Association in conjunction with Downtown Partnership Clean and Safe will collaborate in a 150th anniversary celebration with the installation of 15 fiberglass rabbit statues in the Gaslamp Quarter. 150 years ago, the area that is now the Gaslamp Quarter was jokingly nicknamed “Rabbitville” after its chief inhabitants. The “Rabbitville” installation will honor the pioneering spirit of legendary founder, Alonzo Horton, who transformed Rabbitville into modern San Diego. 15 artists will be commissioned to paint and decorate these unique canvases that will be on display to the public later in 2017.
The Gaslamp Quarter Association is reaching out to corporate patrons to share in the celebration by sponsoring one of the 15 sculptures. Media, and Promotional opportunities are available to these partners and funds raised by this project will help in a new enhanced decorative lighting campaign to go on Fifth Avenue in 2018. Visit the links below for more information. Locations and the completed Rabbit will be released soon! Thanks to Sonya Sparks, Emily Knapp, Jess Amaya, and the Sparks Gallery family, Erin Liddell, and everyone at the Gaslamp Quarter Association ® for the invitation to create for our beautiful city!
Monty Montgomery “Rabbitville” Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10154950234519079.1073741872.699014078&type=1&l=87fa52da29
“Rabbitville” Project and Featured interview link: http://www.gaslamp.org/150-2/rabbitville
“Rabbitville” Partnership opportunities: http://www.gaslamp.org/…/Rabbitville-Sponsorship-Packet-FIN…
Gaslamp Quarter | Downtown : http://www.gaslamp.org
Sparks Gallery :