Reptile House

Lights that are taken away through a simple action.
Cameras that close because they are not being used.
To trust a person with your life would be amazing.
Did you grow up far from what you were raised to see and breathe?
Good luck.. Get up, it is time for the zoo.
Birthday parties and everything going the right way.
36 wrong reasons to float a boat that’s been sunk through troubled waters.
Talk to people you don’t know  never push others aside.
Reality might be behind glass that’s invisible to you and minutes.
Magic is all around and I believe that great nights of true words
can become focuses of what some people are scared of.  TRUTH!
Moving places and changing faces will only bring you.
Sorry about that..
Pink curlers in ugly sculptured pieces that grow tails of what you often tell.
The usual I presume.
Did you ever stop to  think that the nicest, strongest people
could actually be the weakest brick ..
The one that would crumble without the others surrounding.
No safer place.    Looks, feels, sofas at home.
Buttons on your shirt and the order in which they snap,   why?
Why do you start at the top and finish at the bottom?
To wonder  will it?  Is it?  Where?
Curious to remember what really exists in each person on that empty street.
Different platforms of  being real and looking for 9 and 3 quarters of something.
Acceptance is vibration that’s so great to see.
Everyone so unaware of complete feelings.
I guess we sell out before eternity hits.
Giving up on what we truly need for each other!
We let it go.    Going.    Gone.
Rebuild your house.
You reptile.

Monty Montgomery 2005