Doings Undone

Doings Undone

Enter your traveled moment of past.
Share your faith. The most dramatic splendor.
Is it your costume? Are you masked?
Look at what appears, this is yet another thing.
Particular and specific..
Depth is rich, the background is a pictoral.
Views and motions to be led by instinct.
Skills acquired in this trade, often traded.
Delicacy which will manipulate details.
Looking… Looking closer… Doings were done.
Meticulous… Simply astounded. Protecting….
One paralyzed, like a silent cinema.
Complicated and detailed as a single, gold, leaf.
So many novelties. Moments listened to.
Dramatically done once again.
A repertory of figures with various expressions…
New textures are created in time.
Precious and acquired through doing.
To never be undone….

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