With this exhibition, the gallery aims to highlight the ways in which abstract art impacts the viewer through color, texture, line and form. A broad range of abstract works will be on view from a selection of local artists.
// Exhibition on view April 25 – JULY 5, 2020 Direct Catalog Viewing Link: https://sparksgallery.com/product-category/gallery-exhibitions/abstracts
// Direct “Geo #105” Purchasing Link: https://sparksgallery.com/shop/geo-105

RSVP to Closing Reception: https://sparksgallery.com/rsvp?eid=19601
// CLOSING RECEPTION: JUNE 28 – SIX TO NINE PM (may be subject to change)
Located in the Gaslamp Quarter of downtown San Diego, the Sparks Gallery is housed in the historic Sterling Hardware Building: 530 Sixth Avenue, San Diego 92101, between Market and Island. Parking is most available at the Park It On Market parking structure at 614 Market (and 7th) for $1 per hour ($10 flat rate after 6pm on Fri/Sat/Sun).
Gallery Hours:Monday through Thursday: 11am-7pm
Friday through Sunday: 11am-9pm