My Artist Residency at Nemacolin Resort in Farmington, Fayette County, Pennsylvania has been awesome! I have enjoyed creating here so much alongside my studio mate, Claire Hardy. The time is surely flying by way too fast as all of the moments have been enjoyed and utilized. I’ve created many new pieces in the studio and quite a few have found new homes across the USA and beyond. I am honored to share as well that I was approved to feature paintings in the main gallery at Nemacolin and many of those pieces have sold. I will continue to feature various prints and paintings in the studio while at Nemacolin. My Residency sadly will come to a close on September 15, 2021. I am looking forward to creating until the very last moment… Have a great day everyone!
Feel free to contact me through the “Connect” page on my site and visit for more information. Please come visit and hang out in the beautiful Laurel Highlands mountains of Pennsylvania.
A moment in the main gallery with “Visuals in the Park #10” and “Moment #47” from The Nature Series before they were off to their new homes.
Direct Gallery Link:
Artist in residency Link:
I am honored and excited to be featured as one of the guest Artists for the “AT HOME” projects with the Young At Art Museum. Create your own natural style from HOME with an activity inspired by my “Nature Series”. My work is constructed by my visceral and emotional reactions to daily experiences, whether in exploration of nature or from trekking city streets. Express your personal journey through color theory, mathematics, and abstraction and create a unique geometric style.
Visit this link to begin the activity: Choose – “Natural Style” by Monty Montgomery
Young At Art Museum is an interactive art museum in Plantation, Florida founded in 1987. It is located in Westfield Broward Mall at 8000 W Broward Blvd, Plantation, Florida, USA, in the Greater Fort Lauderdale region. Visit the site here:
***** UPDATE ***** My Artist Residency has been reinstated. I will be returning to Nemacolin in August | September 2021! For purchasing and questions, please contact or directly contact me through the “Connect” link on my website. Stay safe out there!
Direct Gallery Link:
Artist in residency Link:
Excited to announce that I have accepted the invitation for an Artist Residency at Nemacolin Resort in Farmington, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. I will be creating daily in my studio during the week and painting LIVE around the property with open studio hours Thursday through Sundays. I will be featuring various prints and works in progress in the studio where everyone is welcome to visit.. Visit here: . Feel free to contact me through the “Connect” page and visit for more information. Please come visit and hang out in the beautiful Laurel Highlands mountains of Pennsylvania.
“Experience art from the bare bone beginning to the flourishing final masterpiece! Shadow the process of brush-to canvas, scissor-to-paper and wood-to-lathe with our Artist in Residency Program. Observe as artists work together creating their next element of expression. The program offers support from the resort, inspiration from our award-winning atmosphere and opportunity for artists to collaborate in once in a lifetime experience. Artists are provided with a studio that is accessible to guests and will be holding weekly meet and greet receptions. As their residency concludes, an exhibition will take place in the Walden Pond Gallery. The artist will give a final exchange and unveil their legacy masterpiece. We invite you to engage with our artists and absorb their techniques in a unique experience.”
-Nemacolin Woodlands Resort
Nemacolin Woodlands Resort is located in Farmington, Pennsylvania.
The resort is named after Chief Nemacolin, a native Delaware Indian who in 1740 trail blazed a route through the Laurel Highlands mountains between what is now Cumberland, Maryland and Brownsville, Pennsylvania. The resort is owned by Maggie Hardy Magerko, president of the 84 Lumber Company, and was founded by her father, Joseph Hardy. In 2007, Nemacolin’s boutique hotel, Falling Rock, received AAA Five Diamond status. In 2009 Nemacolin’s fine dining restaurant, Lautrec, received a Five Star rating from the Forbes Mobile Travel Guide and held that distinction until 2015.
In 2008, the resort housed the largest wine cellar in Pennsylvania with a collection of approximately 17,000 bottles. Nemacolin Woodlands Resort is located in Farmington, Pennsylvania – just 70-miles southeast of Pittsburgh. The address is 1001 Lafayette Drive, Farmington, PA 15437. For detailed directions please visit: Thanks so much to Art and Gallery Director Amanda Haymans Shane for this invitation to create in such a beautiful environment.
The annual “Minis” group exhibition with Sparks Gallery in San Diego, California opens today May 2, 2021 from 11am to 5pm PST and will be on view in the gallery through July 3, 2021. Each piece in this exhibit, sized 12” x 12” and under, constitutes a bite-sized sampling of each artist’s unique style and vision.Featured Original Painting: “Geo #120″ | 8″ x 10” x 1.5” | Montana Cans (official) aerosol and Golden paints molding paste on cradled birch panel. *Purchase through the “Minis” catalog in the “Current Exhibitions” section on or through “Exhibits” on Direct Purchasing Link: in the Gaslamp Quarter of downtown San Diego, the Sparks Gallery is housed in the historic Sterling Hardware Building: 530 Sixth Avenue, San Diego 92101.
Thank you so much to everyone at The Central Virginian for the “Passion turns into career” feature article in the “Success Stories: Where are they now?” section of this past Thursdays newspaper. Always so proud to have grown up in Louisa, County and the Commomwealth of Virginia! Take care of each other and stay safe out there!
Here is the article link:…/article_c84d3978…
*Special thanks to Joseph Haney for the interview and his writing.
“Brown Ballerinas For Change” | Montana Cans aerosol and Golden Mural paint on brick | 23′ x 15′ | Located on the corner of Main and Granby in the FAN District of Richmond, VA.
The “Brown Ballerinas for Change” collaborative mural with Nico Cathcart has been completed in the Fan District of Richmond, Virginia on the corner of Main and Granby streets. The mural is inspired by the activism and power of the four young women who make up Brown Ballerinas for Change. The mural contains all four ballerinas unified together in a graceful jump with a sparrow in flight symbolizing renewal and change. We are all so thankful for the uplifting energy that Ava, Kennedy, Sophia, and Shania have gifted the country. The mission of B.B.F.C. is to help create advocacy, social justice, and to increase participation of underrepresented populations in ballet. Nico and I are incredibly honored to have worked with this group of powerful young women. Thank you to Dogtown Dance Theatre , Richmond Community ToolBank and @emmeister16 for sponsoring this project and to @delaney_hall for the feature on ABC 8News – WRIC. Please visit the site at and support B.B.F.C.