Watered Energy

Wonder at such a full tank.
I think I see what exist on hills of green melody.
Blades of grass and blankets unfolded.
Smiles, energy that continues into deep sleep.
Seated moments of inspiration and so ready to jump into everything.
Languages are spoken through fingertipsÖ Any extra paint?
Divided by waters untraveled yet able to feel such energy.
Happiness in spoonfuls and running through streets of color.
It feels good to go with simple thought and watch the clouds float.
Sometimes we all float and people watch.
What thoughts take place?
How does wondering affect our process?
We love to explore and view what others cannot see, they never look.
I feel so alive. True value is awesome.
Sounds I hear from a body abroad and how they allow me to breathe.
Simple breath.. easy and with such content fluidness.
Times that take extra effort and guidance from warm hands.
How did it come to this?
So many pictures to fill with loving hearts.
Iíll draw them forever, mediums will be found as needed.
How easy it is to color when it comes from within.
Words through screens that build mountains of total pleasure.
So soothing  to imagine that the other side will be found.
Only to foresee, dream, and ride old big wheels with legs aí bobbinë.
Laughter of tremendous portion that goes on forever
This energy builds itself without preparation    Nothing prepared.
How could it be, our eyes constantly blink.
Paths unraveled and moments to be remembered.
I look forward to many of them with you my friend.
Many watered energies..

Monty Montgomery    2002

Website Maintained by Artist and Virginia Web Developer Leo Charre