I am very honored to have been chosen as the first Artist featured in “Artist Studio Visits” by Ingrid Westlake who is the creator and author behind the “Reinventingrid” Artist Blog. Ingrid approached me about sharing a little of my quiet life in the studio and a few of the interesting moments out on the road with various murals and projects. It has been an amazing experience getting to know her and work together on this project. Ingrid cares so much about the process of ART and the people it comes from. I feel so lucky to now call her a dear friend and collector. I hope you enjoy the interview.
Featured Blog Article Link: https://reinventingrid.com/2018/02/16/monty-montgomery-studio-visit/

A few words from Ingrid, “My blog is about my constant reinvention, also called living a full life as long as you are prepared to never stop looking. It’s about sharing an aesthetic love of life and how using art as a filter or prism enables me (and hopefully you!) to reach a more grounded state of mind.” -Ingrid Westlake
Featured Blog Article Link: https://reinventingrid.com/2018/02/16/monty-montgomery-studio-visit/
Reinventingrid Art (and life) appreciation blog link: https://reinventingrid.com
© 2018 Ingrid Westlake
Instagram @reinventingrid