A visual of the completed “READING IS POWERFUL” collaborative mural which came to life during the Virginia Children’s Book Festival at the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts on the campus of my Alma Mater, Longwood University . An amazing week with students and friends from all over Virginia and beyond! So much fun getting to work with everyone alongside the very talented Jay Cooper as we brought his “BOTS” to life!
The VCBF brings together authors and illustrators with exciting, dynamic programs to foster the enjoyment of reading among Virginia’s youth. Thank you to everyone who joined us to create, to Lowe’s Home Improvement for supplies and to the National Endowment for the Arts for your amazing support!
Visit vachildrensbookfestival.org and the Monty Montgomery Facebook profile for images throughout the three day festival which took place October 16-18 2019.
#virginiachildrensbookfestival #nationalendowmentforthearts #longwooduniversity #lcvafarmville #farmvilleva #mural #education #montymontgomery #loveva