“Pop Up” Studio views from here at Porto Vista Hotel San Diego in the Little Italy neighborhood of San Diego, California. The 44 custom panels from the “Geo #98” mural which was created for the San Diego Museum of Art “Bloom Bash” last April will now be featured as single pieces in various spaces throughout Porto Vista Hotel. Fresh colors and a shapes are currently hitting the panels!

Thanks to so many folks for being a part of bringing both of these projects to life in this city I love!!! @sandiegomuseumofart @sdmasocial @theeventartist @pacificeventproductions Polychromist Lauren Siry @portovistahotel @1805gallery .
Please come join us on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 from 6-8pm for “Discover Art In Unexpected Places”. A reception with Live Music, Food and Drinks to celebrate the “Geo #114” and “Geo #115” 14’ triangular murals in the second floor lounge which were completed in November. Also enjoy Cheryl Sorg ‘s beautiful “Sky Portals” elevator installation and a film by @mindcrushproductions documenting the artistic process. Visit “Exhibitions” on montymontgomeryart.com for the eventbrite invitation and details.
#studio #portovistahotel #littleitalysd #sandiego #sandiegomuseumofart #artist #muralist #montymontgomery #exhibition #painting #mural #muralism #geometricabstraction #geometricart #contemporary #montanacans #sdmayourway